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wood burning fireplace in living room

Wood-Burning Fireplaces

Wood-burning fireplaces are for those who want magnificence as the focal point of their living room. While they require routine maintenance, it’s hard to surpass the look and feel of a real fire beautifully contained inside the home. All our wood-burning fireplaces are EPA-certified, exceed the strictest environmental standards in the nation, and come with a limited lifetime warranty. With each load of wood, you’ll get around 10 hours of burn time, if not more. Get in touch with the experts at Southern Hearth today, and we’ll ensure you find the fireplace of your dreams.

gas logs

Gas Logs

Southern Hearth offers direct vent and ventless gas logs options. Ventless gas logs provide an efficient heat source to any home. They can burn safely without a chimney, and produce smokeless, clean flames. They are perfect for indoor, artificial fireplaces. When it comes to vented gas logs, a chimney or flue is required for them to burn safely, and you’ll lose a lot of heat. Because of this, vented gas logs are mostly used as decorative pieces, rather than heat-efficient ones. They do, however, have the most-realistic flame of any artificial fire. Additionally, we offer remote switches or ways to operate your gas logs from your phone via Bluetooth. With a wide range of gas logs available, and a team of experts on hand to help, choosing the gas logs you’ll love is set up to be an easy process!

Outdoor flagstone platform with fireplace

Outdoor Units

When you add an outdoor unit to your backyard, it’s an instant upgrade. Outdoor units bring both style and function to any outdoor space, as well as warmth and comfort. You can effortlessly transform your backyard into an outdoor oasis with one of our state-of-the-art outdoor fireplaces. The social gatherings you’ll host will be seamlessly enhanced when you set the stage for a relaxing, carefree evening. The experts at Southern Hearth will help you find an outdoor unit that perfectly suits your unique needs and the aesthetic of your outdoor space. Whether you’re looking for an outdoor fireplace, a Willow Creek firepit, or even a pellet stove, we can help!

Fireplace in living room

Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces provide the look and feel of a real fireplace without routine maintenance. They are vent-free, smoke-free, and can be managed with the simple turn of a dial. These fireplaces are perfect for the cold winter seasons, as they produce ample, zero-emissions heat. Electric fireplaces can add warmth and amplify the ability to relax in any room of your home. They may provide less heat than a wood-burning fireplace, but they also emit less soot and smoke. If you’re looking for a traditional model of an electric fireplace, Southern Hearth has a wide range of options for you to choose from. Contact our expert team of professionals today. We’ll get you set up with your brand-new, hassle-free, electric fireplace.

Get One Step Closer to Your New Fireplace